10 Postpartum No BS Essentials!

I am currently writing this post with a seven day old sweet baby boy latched to my left breast. Multitasking at its best! Over the last week as a brand new Mama, I’ve learned so much about labor, delivery, and postpartum. There were so many things that I felt like no one talks about and I’m here to share my experience! In my third trimester, I remember researching and feeling so lost trying to figure out exactly what I would need for my postpartum journey. I had read so many blog posts and I felt overwhelmed. I ended up buying a lot of items that I never used or items that just didn’t work for me personally. Here is my no BS list of items that truly helped me. I also explain what worked for me and some items that didn’t work for me at all. I truly hope this helps Mama to be! <3

  1. Postpartum Peri Bottle

    This is an absolute must have! After giving birth, everything downstairs is swollen, sore, and potentially stitched. For around a week or longer depending on if you received stitches you will be unable to wipe. The Peri bottle is sent by heaven, all you need to do is fill the bottle up with warm water and spray yourself to clean. I had originally purchased the very popular and seemingly recommended Frida Mom Peri bottle and strongly disliked it. The bottle has an extendable nozzle that is at an angle for more precise spraying however when I turned the bottle downwards to spray myself there is no seal around the top and it essentially just dumps the water all over the floor, toilet, and myself. I thought I must be doing something wrong and had my Husband who is an engineer take a look at it and he said the same thing. Poor design. Please do yourself a favor and just purchase the less expensive regular Peri bottle’s. They work great and a plus, they come in a three pack and you can keep one in each of your bathrooms for easy access! Linked here: Three pack Peri bottles

2. Postpartum disposable undies or Large regular undies and huge pads! Your choice!

After birth you have two options for undies and it’s personal choice! Personally, I chose to opt for Always discreet postpartum disposable underwear and I’m so happy with this choice! During my delivery, we had run into some complications where the catheter had to be placed and taken out again three times resulting in me not being able to control when I urinated for several days straight (That might be TMI but if this helps any other Mama’s to be, I’m happy). I didn’t have to worry about leaks while walking quickly to the restroom and the undies themselves are very comfortable! They didn’t feel hot, sticky, or uncomfortable. Another option are purchasing full coverage undies and using large pads, its totally up to you! I will link the exact ones that I used and the amazon basic equivalent that are a little cheaper. We love a deal! Linked here: Always Discreet Disposible Undies
Amazon basics disposable undies

3. Stool Softener.
Enough said.. LOL! Anyway, I used the Amazon basic care ones and they’re inexpensive, delivered within a day, and they’re a must need for sure! Linked: Amazon Basic Stool Softener

4. Witch Hazel pads.
Another must have! Not only are witch hazel pads cooling and soothing but they also help shrink hemorrhoids. If you have haven’t had any hemorrhoids during pregnancy from pregnancy constipation, you will most likely develop them during the actual delivery. These will save your bootay! I heard about Tucks Witch hazel pads from a lot of blogs but they were expensive and I couldn’t find any with amazon prime shipping (which is a deal breaker for me haha). I used the AER pre-moistened witch hazel pads and loved them! I also tried the Frida Mom ones and they were good but I didn’t feel like they were any better and they were more expensive. I would have been just as happy with just using AER witch hazel pads.
Linked: AER Witch Hazel Pads
Frida Mom Witch Hazel pads

5. If you plan on breastfeeding, Nipple Butter is a MUST!
I’ve been using the lansinoh Organic Nipple Cream and I don’t know what I would do without it tbh. I had heard that breastfeeding could be painful and I had thought it was from the baby’s latch/pressure etc. I had no idea that the pain associated from breastfeeding could be because of dry/cracked/bleeding nipples! Anyway, I keep a tub of the nipple butter in my bathroom and I keep a tub of it near the seat where I mostly nurse baby boy. (Tip from Mama to Mama- Keep a water bottle, some snacks, a phone charger, & nipple butter right next to where you will be nursing most often. You will get hungry and thirsty often!!)
Nipple butter linked here. Seriously love this stuff: Nipple butter

6. Dermoplast spray.
I highly recommend getting dermoplast spray for the first few days. It stings for a moment but then it has a numbing affect. Its job is to soothe, cool, moisturize and relieve pain fast. I used this religiously for the first few days and then after that, I stopped using it but it helped tremendously. Linked here: Dermoplast Spray

7. A donut pillow (or honestly just sit on a travel neck pillow).
Seriously, your lady bits & hemorrhoids will thank you. I knew everything downstairs would be sore and tender but what I didn’t think about is sitting down in the car, on the couch, or sitting on anything while nursing will cause discomfort. I have a travel neck pillow that I use while sitting on the couch and at the dinner table. You can buy a donut pillow made specifically for this (and it would probably be more comfortable than the travel neck pillow but honestly the neck pillow is fine for me and I already owned one.) I will link a few below: Donut Pillow
Cheaper option: Travel neck pillow

8. A Haakaa manual breast pump!! (Fav item!!)
At the hospital they told me that I needed to switch breasts every 15 minutes for optimal breast health & milk production.. Well, my Baby basically refuses to latch to my right breast.. My nurse told me that can happen sometimes and she recommended a Haakaa. All you do is continue feeding baby with one breast and attach the haakaa to the other. The haakaa accmulates milk and then you can place the extra milk in small milk baggies and refrigerate for later. It is only $13 and it is a life savor! Linked here: Haakaa breast pump

9. A robe for lounging at the hospital/ home. Easy access for nursing!
At the hospital I stayed in the provided gown for the first day and then the next two days I stayed exclusively in a robe. It made me feel more human, more comfortable, and it was so easy for learning how to nurse! I pretty much live in my robe(s) now and I wouldn’t have it any other way. lol! Robe

10. Last but not least, Tylenol or pain reliever.
Please remember to ask your doctor before using any medication! My doctor gave me the green light to use Motrin or Tylenol for pain management. With the aches and pains from child birth and hormonal headaches, this was an absolute must!! Tylenol Link

Congratulations soon to be Mama! There is nothing like holding your precious baby for the first time! It was such an amazing experience and I will cherish those memories forever!

I hope you found this helpful!

XOXO, LittleLuxMama



4 Maternity photo shoot looks and poses!